The Ultimate Bucket List for Entrepreneurs
If there is one thing that we at addVentures Business Club are passionate about, it is seeing our entrepreneurs healthy, happy, and wise. If you have not read our blog article on why you need a bucket list, we suggest popping over to “When was the last time you had a dopamine rush as an…
When was the last time you had a dopamine rush as an entrepreneur?
Reward Systems for Dopamine Rush Entrepreneurs and how your Bucket List plays a significant role in your dopamine rush. When was the last time you had a dopamine rush as an entrepreneur? Experts believe that one of the major reasons why entrepreneurs have breakdowns is because of a depletion of dopamine stores in their bodies. …
Is 50 too old to start or to change direction as an entrepreneur?
When last did you find yourself on the proverbial kitchen floor thinking ‘What the hell am I doing here.’ When it seems as if everyone else is thriving in their businesses and that it is only you who seem to battle to get things going. The big question that I want to put out into…
How to get your Entrepreneur Body in FLOW
The Ultimate Ingredients to Achieve Productivity as an Entrepreneur In our previous blog article, we spoke about the importance of being in FLOW as an entrepreneur. This included how being in FLOW, as per the studies done by the Positive Psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, can help you to get to a state of untold productivity. Ultimately…
The Magic Potion of FLOW for Entrepreneurs
How to improve your productivity as an Entrepreneur At some point in time, we have all stumbled upon a euphoric and effortless sensation of being in the zone. Where you become so absorbed in an activity at hand that time flies. Where your thoughts and actions are aligned and you gather momentum at a magical…
Over 50 Entrepreneurs & Their Fear Of Greatness
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” These words of Marianne Williamson in her book A Return to Love (1992) might sound absurd. How can you be afraid of being powerful beyond measure? Our…
Over 50 Entrepreneur Adventures
No Retirement in Sight! “Why is it that as you grow older, life seems to become more boring.” If you are old enough, you will most probably remember the first RAV4 advert that flighted somewhere around 1994. I came across it earlier this week while constructing the next blog article for AddShine. Spoiler alert: life…
My Dad Spoilt Any Chance of My Rags to Riches Story
…but he remains the number-one inspiration in my Why I do what I do. How many Rags-To-Riches stories have you read? Who does not love the storyline where poor Cinderella becomes the victor of her circumstances and finds success regardless of her situation? This has always been a winning narrative. Thanks to my Dad, this…
The Journey to Rediscover your Business Adventure Starts Here
Have you ever woken up in the morning … lying in bed …. eyes still closed …. and the first thing you can think of is: “Oh shit, I have screwed up!! Again!!” If you have experienced this feeling before, you are definitely not alone. I have most certainly experienced this ‘oh shit’ moment many…
Trick or Treat? Using NLP in Marketing Your Business
“It’s all in your mind.” “Stop daydreaming.” How many times have you heard these phrases? Mostly with a negative connotation. I have recently revised all my NLP textbooks and guides from my business coaching days and fell in love with the subject of NLP all over again. The benefits of incorporating NLP into your Marketing…